Wednesday 4 July 2018

Using Social online networks for professional development

Using Social online networks for professional development
I will be using Jay and Johnsons (2002) reflective model to explain how I as a Graphics teacher and
Whanau leader have used Pinterest, Ted talks,Facebook Groups, YouTube to develop in my profession.
I normally use these online sites to try and find something different to add to my lessons because after
teaching for the same subject 30 years you can become stale and always need to keep up with what is
trending in order to inspire the next generation of learners. I unfortunately do not engage with these
online networks but just use them for my own benefit which I suppose is selfish but I would rather visit
the dentist than let the world wide web know what I am thinking. I do not have a problem talking to my
Colleagues about different things and sharing my opinion however non PC they may be but online I fear
I will be judged and seem exposed or naked and thus do not engage but do follow and take in what is
being shared online. I think I will only engage when i feel the time is ready. Doing these blogs have been
the hardest thing in the whole MINDLAB process.
Having just read Lightening Guides (2015) Social Media: Facebook,Twitter & the Modern Revolution.
It is clear to see that online networks are changing the world both political and economic as well Socially.
Recently in New Zealand we had a beach bought by the people for the people through crowd funding
something that seemed impossible only a few years ago. If we look at what is happening in schools and
how students are communicating and sharing ideas across the globe we cannot but also get on the
online soul train  in the classroom if only for our students sake. In my case I think my students are light
years ahead of me anyway but I have always considered myself a learner and will be playing catch up

Critical reflection
The main reason for me to use Social Online Networks in my classroom is getting my students to
collaborate with like minded or other people that can help them become 21st Century learners and
also for them to share their ideas and grow in confidence when they get feedback from their online
community they create. I will also have to travel on this journey with them so I will be honing my
social network skills -Twitter here I come.
Jay, J. K., & Johnson, K. L. (2002). Capturing complexity: A typology of reflective practice for teacher
education. Teaching and teacher education.

Lightening Guides (2015) Social Media: Facebook,Twitter & the Modern Revolution.


  1. Hey Dean, you said your main reason to use social networks is for your students to collaborate. Do you find that they are collaborating already through tools like Google Classroom you use in your class?

    1. Some students were using google classroom to Collaborate but not enough. So by doing a collaborative task and using Padlet which allows them to be anonymous I found they Collaborated more readily just based on the volume and type of comments made.

  2. Also, as part of that do you think Classroom is the best place to collaborate on? For example do students share ideas on your classroom page? If they do perhaps trying one of these other tools, is not necessary at the moment, but if they do not have you tried asking your students which online communities they think would best support them?

    1. again only some students tend to share on google classroom but most students find the shared stuff helpful but all are not confident to put stuff up yet on Google classroom because it is not anonymous they say.
